Thursday, July 30, 2009

2 Timothy 2:24
"And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil."

The week is quickly coming to a close! Today was our last day of Backyard Bible Club's. It was sad, yet at the same time it was exciting to sit down and hear about how many men, women, and children have come to know the Lord this week!

"Today has been a really exciting day to see God really work in my club. I had to change teams after the first day so that I could help them speak to the kids there since most of them only spoke Spanish. We really weren't making progress with them with the gospel until today we decided to have one English Gospel and one Spanish one (which I ended up telling). As a result of this we actually had one kid from each group accept Christ for the first time!"
-Daniel Harris

The day started off rainy, but God works in awing ways. BYBC's were NOT canceled, nor were Summerfests! God knew exactly how to work it out for us. Tomorrow we will be doing service projects as well as running a Summerfest tomorrow night! Please pray that this all runs as smooth as possible!

-Erica Harrison

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