Tuesday, July 28, 2009


1 Peter 4:10
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace."

Day three is coming to an end and the Lord just continues to bless! About 10 more kids made first time decisions today along with a couple who rededicated their lives to Christ and even two adults! We all had Back Yard Bible Clubs again this morning and this evening when the leaders got together to report how it went, it was amazing to hear stories about how attitudes have begun to change toward the team. Rowdy, rough kids are using their manners, parents are coming to ask questions along with many more children coming! God truly is doing a work in East Austin as well as Dripping Springs! In Dripping Springs, the canvassing for Summerfest that was done yesterday has gotten tremendous feedback already. The canvassing has also helped HCBC Dripping Springs to gain a member for their worship team!

Our worship service this evening was one of great hope. We learned about being transformed. The interesting thing about real transformation is that it is actually a metamorphosis, not just a change. Change can undo itself. Metamorphosis cannot. One transformed, you can never go back. This is what we hope to bring to the city of Austin in the days to come. Transformation of souls.

After worship, we got a special treat...ICE CREAM SUNDAES!I am not too sure who came up with the idea of late night ice cream, but I'm pretty sure they were our favorite people in the world tonight!

Please continue to pray as tomorrow is Wet and Wild Wednesday! Pray that things run smoothly and that kids have fun, but also that they gain an understanding of why we do the things we do! Also continue praying that we would be God's little tools this week to further His kingdom by telling every man, woman, and child about the love of Jesus Christ!
-Erica Harrison

1 comment:

  1. I love the pic at the bottom of this post. Erica, thank you for sharing about what God's been doing on GO Austin so far. How exciting to see children and adults place their faith in Christ!! Such a transformation is only possible with God.
