Thursday, July 23, 2009

Community Impact

At HEB camp with Taya and Alize. We had a great week learning about how God is our father.
Here we are working in the kitchen making enchiladas. (Left to right) Marjorie, Mrs. Hake and Taya. Taya came to HEB camp and she is a joy to be around.
Before watching the 3D movie. (Left to right) Tayja, Charline and Sami.
This was at a Girl's slumber party we had this week. We watched a 3-D movie, ate spaghetti and hung out with 7 sweet girls. It was a good night of fun, food, and fellowship!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could have come to that slumber party!!! It looks like so much fun! Praise God that he uses FUN to bring us together!
