Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Beautiful Thing

Hey everyone!
My name's Bri and I am one of the community impact interns working at mission possible this summer.
Sorry it has taken a while for us to get this going, but we hope to keep you all updated with our experiences throughout the rest of the summer.
We've had so much fun getting to know all of the kids and spending time with them. They truly are a joy to be around! Going into HEB camp, we honestly didn't know what to expect. We quickly saw that this was a very diverse group with many differences as well as many similarities. We truly had some great discussion times in which we talked about being a child of God and what it means when we say God is our Father.
We'll get some more blogs up soon going more in depth with everything that happened at HEB camp and camp Nikos.
However, something else has been on my heart to share with you all; an experience that will be remembered in all of our minds for some time. On Thursday evening Sami, Marjorie, and I picked up some of the campers from HEB, Charlene, her sister Alexis, and their cousin Fredrick, and headed to Polecat Hollow to go swimming for Big Fish Club. After leaving Polecat we stopped for gas and discovered that we had a flat tire. What at first seemed like a horrible thing, quickly turned into a great experience.
We sat and waited as Marjorie called for help. Then we looked over and saw that a homeless man had been asking for change in the center divider of the road next to us. Deciding that we would buy him dinner, we waved him over. Gratefulness shined from his eyes as he began to tear up. After getting him food we all continued to have a conversation with him about his current situation and his belief in God in the midst of it all. He broke down on several occasions, asking how could he possibly go to heaven when he has sinned so much? It was our privilege to explain to him that God looks past what this man had done, for He sent His only son to carry these heavy felt burdens.
The kids were so great the entire time and even engaged in what was going on. We talked with them for a little, after we had our tire fixed and were on our way home, about how purposeful sharing a meal with someone can truly be. You could see the understanding in their faces.
It's amazing how in the smallest situations that we find ourselves in, even the ones that seem extremely bad, God is revealed. He takes whatever we have and uses it for His glory. It's such a beautiful thing!
So I just wanted to share this experience with the rest of you all. We'll definitely be writing more about hanging out with the kids and our experiences from the camps.

Thanks, Bri


  1. Bri, how awesome to see God use you in unexpected circumstances! I think it's really sweet that you would get this opportunity to share the Gospel with an adult in need in the midst of a week devoted to children.

  2. Great story. Thanks for sharing Bri. God desires to use us in all these little ways. Thanks for making yourself available and sharing God's love.
