Wednesday, July 29, 2009


John 4:23
"But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him."

WET AND WILD WEDNESDAY! Today, as you may or may not know was Wet and Wild Wednesday at BYBC's. It was a crazy, fun, and challenging day for sure! Every team has stories today about how God is working in each of their groups. We are excited to have many new little brothers and sister's in Christ today!

"Hey everyone!!
Today my team, team five, went to Frontier Valley Trailers. The group continued to work on the play ground that the community has been waiting two years for! Since there were not enough shovels for everyone, Autumn, Leigh, and I had the fun job of taking a couple kids to the pool. We decided that this would be a perfect time to share the gospel with them. Margarita, Jennifer, and Usetha prayed for salvation and are very excited!
Keep praying for us,
Katie Van Der Bogart"

Tonight's worship service unexpectedly went longer than normal. The presence of God was totally in our midst tonight. It was encouraging and exciting to keep singing God's praises even after the music stopped! We know that God is at work through us. I personally have been learning about overflow. We do not need God to just pour into us so we can take that out and pour into others. While that can work, living in the overflow is even better. We need to constantly be taking in all of God that we can so that we OVERFLOW into the lives of others, not only pour out.
-Erica Harrison

Please keep us all in your prayers! Pray that the Lord will give us energy as it is getting late in the week! Also pray for our two Summerfest's that will be happening tomorrow night! Praise God today for working in our city!!

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